Friday, October 16, 2015



Visit and read the first section entitled Ancient origins of Halloween. Look for the answers to these 13 (unlucky for some) questions. Share your answers with your classmates.
  1. Where is the celebration of Halloween thought to have come from?
  2. The Celts occupied an area of land covering six modern-day countries. Name at least four of them.
  3. Why did the Celts celebrate ’Samhain’ on the night of 31st October?
  4. What did the Celts believe the ghosts of the dead would cause damage and trouble to?
  5. To commemorate the event, what did the Druids build?
  6. What costumes did they wear?
  7. What did they re-light to help protect them from the coming winter?
  8. By 43 AD, who had conquered the Celts?
  9. What two other festivals were combined with ’Samhain’?
  10. After many changes due to the spread of Christianity, what new celebration was created in 1000 AD?
  11. What were the similarities between this day and ’Samhain’?
  12. What was another name given to this celebration?
  13. What was the night before called and what did this finally become?